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Older Workers, Employers are Starting to Appreciate Your Value

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

From a job posting this week,"We encourage applications from older adults, and all who may contribute to the diversity of our staff team."

Older workers, here's another positive step. Quebec 's Ministry of Employment is giving a grant of nearly $1 million to employers in specific industries to help them attract and hold onto workers 60 years of age and older.

Three construction workers of different generations wearing yellow helmets
Intergenerational team are a business advantage

Just a Beginning

Older workers, while these steps are small, On Your Own Time is optimistic that these actions demonstrate your value to employers; that more governments and employers will listen and be proactive, and that more opportunities for you to meet your post retirement goals will open up.

Age Friendly Program for Employers

Older workers, it you remember from my blog of December 31, I committed to developing an Age Friendly Program for Employers and keeping you up to date on my progress. The most recent step I took was writing to the BC Government and the City of Vancouver, to recommend they follow Quebec's lead in promoting and supporting Age Friendly Workplaces in BC. The City is in the early stages of developing plans for addressing the needs of its aging population so the timing was good.

I am optimistic that the government and city officials will respond positively to my recommendations and will take action to promote age inclusivity in the workplace. Stay tuned for updates on this important initiative.

Older workers, if these actions are encouraging you to take action, but you're not sure where to start, contact On Your Own Time for a copy of the Older Worker Preparation Guide, a helpful resource that offers recommendations to plan and prepare for re-entering the workforce, on your own time, and a list of training and job search networks to give you some direction.

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