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Older Workers:Why You’re More Valuable Than Ever

Older workers, hiring is tough these days as employers struggle to find the right talent. But there’s one powerful solution that often gets overlooked—experienced  older professionals - you!

In a recent article, a respected and recognized former CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) emphasized the critical role older workers play in today's workforce as Artificial Intelligence adoption grows and skills shortages intensify.

Decency is demonstrated by supporting  teammates  and bosses.
Decency is demonstrated by supporting teammates and bosses.

One solution for this shortage is Skills-Based hiring , which focuses on what a person can do rather than their age or years of experience. Disney CEO Bob Iger went one step further by sharing that when hiring, organizations should look for something even more valuable—genuine decency. He emphasized:

"Genuine decency—an instinct for fairness and openness and mutual respect—is a rarer commodity in business than it should be, and you should look for it in the people you hire and nurture it in the people who work for you."

Older workers, you offer something essential; the power of experience and  skills - and decency. This is where you shine. Decency in the workplace is becoming rare, but it’s a trait that defines seasoned professionals. Older workers lead by example by:

  • Disagreeing without disrespect.

  • Supporting teammates and bosses.

  • Handing challenges with professionalism, even under pressure.

  • Staying calm in difficult situations. 

  • Handling workplace conflicts or crises with patience, wisdom, and emotional intelligence.

Older workers, as businesses face talent shortages, those that welcome experience will build stronger, more adaptable teams. If you’re looking for purpose in your encore career, your time is now. Your skills, wisdom, and decency make you an invaluable asset in today’s workforce. Let On Your Own Time help you find employers who will value all you have to offer.



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